Love of my life…

554494_10200940096568578_2111156842_nThe stars aligned one warm summer night

When an angel was born beneath the light


With talents strong she came to share

All she possessed with love and care


Those she touched quickly learned

It was her beauty they also yearned


She served without the need for reward

Becoming the one that everyone adored


The children she brought into this world

Found quickly it was their heart she swirled


With her love they were often found

Doing things where they’d be crowned


As time went on they prospered and grew

Into adults strong and true


It is her legacy they will proudly carry

As they share their talents with those they marry


While there isn’t a soul she wouldn’t secure

With all her soul so strong and pure


It was the Lord who sent her here

To take us to a higher sphere


So if you haven’t met our angel yet

It won’t be long it is our bet


When you do like me you’ll be

Living a life setting you free


So thank you Lord for giving us Kim

It is our cup she has filled to the brim!



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