What are some things you can give up that will make you happy in life…



Would it seem intuitive to you if I were to say there are things you need to give up to find what you may not have?  Happiness in life…

Let me take a run at it.  What if you were to give up self-defeating talk?  Our minds are amazing instruments of life if only used in the proper capacity.  Think how destructive our self-talk can be.  Simply turn any negative thoughts on their side and find how breathtaking your life can be by merely thinking positively…

Along those same lines, what if in addition you gave up your self-limiting beliefs?  Look at it like this:  Our beliefs aren’t those notions which are held in our mind; it is our limiting thoughts that hold back the boundless potential of our mind.  If this is true, why use the power of our own mind against ourselves?  Know how powerful our mind is and use it properly…

After you begin to discover your possibilities what may creep in next is your fear.  We need to give up our fears too.  Think of all the creations we now enjoy and how those who ventured out (with fear) overcame.  Think of times you stepped beyond fear to learn it was unnecessary.  “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  Franklin D Roosevelt

Many of us are comfortable and will resist the change which will come.  Why don’t we give up resistance to change as well.  What we will find is that which were barriers before, are now doors swinging open with ease to bright horizons lying in front of us…

Many of us who will read the above will now likely begin to find excuses why we don’t need to do this, how it won’t work, or that we will do so later.  GIVE UP YOUR EXCUSES!!!  Life is short, failures only come from those who have the habit of making excuses…


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