The pains of growing up…

As a father I find myself inserting my life’s experiences on the lives of my children.  While arguably this is expected of me as a part of my role (responsibility)as their father; we as parents often become “overprotective” by intervening to prevent unforeseen pain.

I well may use my influence to alter ever so slightly the path or outcome of what it is my children are doing.  If my inclination is to do this, there are a couple critical things I must observe: First, I look at things differently.  Remember, it isn’t what we look at that matters, it is what we see that does.  I am not walking in their shoes and therefore can’t understand their perspective without seeking it first.  Second, I may persuade a lower level of punishment for something done wrong.  This then evens out their highs and lows removing the joys found in knowing the difference.  Remember, the only thing more painful than learning from experience is not learning at all…

I am reminded of the cartoon drawing which shows “the parents of old” who got mad at their children when they acted up at school, and then in the very next frame, “the parents of today” who get mad at the teacher when their children act up.


What did my generation learn in responsibility when we were left to suffer for the actions we took?  Certainly one lesson was that their were consequences (and rewards) for the actions (effort) we took.  Have these life lessons made us better?  Do we strip our children of critical life lessons when we intervene?  I offer as my answer, yes and yes…

The bumps and bruises we take in walking life’s path both allow for growth and give us greater joy in the rewards of good works.  Think of how your life may have been if you had never felt the pains of having done something wrong…


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