The secret to winning the lottery!

As you all know there is a lot of hype surrounding the amount which was recently given in the Powerball Lottery ($1.5 BB+).I—like most of the world—imagined where I would spend my lottery winnings, then I realized something that brought a joy into my life I haven’t felt for a while.

As luck would have it; I won! And though it was with the rarity of being hit by lighting; apost seemingly fortunate volt of power had struck my life! Trying not to be overcome by emotion, I quietly sat down to strategize what I would do. I began by securing my Mother’s retirement, set up scholarship funds for my children and grandchildren, paid off our mortgage, gave each of my extended family enough to enjoy a life’s treat they felt they may never have, and gave generously to charity groups I knew carried heavy weights. Checking the balance, I quickly noticed I hadn’t even reached a hundredth of one percent of my winnings.

In my mind I thought, WOW how can this be? So I upped my efforts and began setting up perpetual funds so that the charities I had wanted to help could enjoy years of service, and I extended my reach to friends who I felt could benefit from a leg up. The tally now was just reaching 3%. Still amazed, I gave even more! I thought of those who had helped me in life and gave to them, I hesitated to give too much to anyone knowing money sometimes changes people negatively. I wanted those I loved to enjoy life’s satisfaction in feeling accomplishment, so I set up trusts that would serve any family member—now or into the future—should a need arise beyond their ability.

Only at five percent now, I began thinking of my life’s experiences and how much easier it would be if society had services for those who can’t afford them. I built shelters, homes, and facilities for organizations that often lived from donation to donation hoping this would bring relief and increase services. With all this, I still was just approaching twenty percent? I decided to put some aside for a need I may be missing; an emergency fund if you will, and I gave the rest to my religious affiliation knowing first hand all the good they do around the world. This comforted me while I sat in amazement at  how many lives can be touched by this amount of money. My mind changed from giving, to thinking about those who have this type of resource and what they do with their money.

It was taxing; I couldn’t even believe how difficult it was to use my new found wealth and all the good that can come from it! I felt the emotion of winning and the heart felt satisfaction of helping others; when all of a sudden my alarm went off! What? That was a dream? It seemed so real, lasted for hours with every sense touched and emotion felt. Funny thing about dreams, I hadn’t even bought a ticket so I had zero chance of winning anyway.

I got ready for work, jumped into my car and headed toward the office. On the radio I heard a news story reporting on who had won the night before. I laughed about the dream thinking how funny it would be to have the winner in my home town. At least then my dream would be close to home.

Then, out of nowhere and with the intensity of emotion I haven’t felt for a while; my heart burst with gratitude and I began to cry. You see, I felt greater satisfaction in losing than in holding the winning Powerball ticket. My heart was filled as my mind raced through all my blessings I enjoy in life! I sat a little taller feeling my countenance light up like an angel. I had won the lottery after all, only in a slightly different way and celebrate my winnings every day. Perhaps I had forgotten this a time or two, but these feelings hit me strong and hard just as the lucky lightning bolt in my dream.

You see, I have already won those things money can’t buy. I have a beautiful loving wife, four amazing children who have given us two grandchildren. The world’s greatest mother, my hero in a brother and the undying love of a sister, amazing extended family, endless concourses of friends, and life in an incredible country/state/city/neighborhood. A home, satisfaction in employment, good health and abundance beyond my dreams. Yes, my life has had ups and downs, some emotional, others financial, but each of these cycles has given me wisdom. I know if I didn’t have to work for what I have, my appreciation wouldn’t be the same. Accomplishment is a part of life. I wouldn’t trade working hard for my achievements or the satisfaction of being loved for who I am, or what I have for all the money in the world!

No, I didn’t win the Powerball lottery last night! I won a more important lottery long ago, and I will pass along all my winnings wherever I can knowing these resources will never run out…


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