I believe we can tell a lot about someone by simply watching them. In my observations of President Bush (two) I always felt he was a man of character. As an example I sensed his sincerity in admiring our military which was validated in my reading of his book.
I spent some time the other day visiting with a friend (Mike Brodie) as he shared stories about one of his friends (George W Bush). Mikes details of his interactions with W again validated my feelings of the genuineness of our previous President. While there are some who will argue differences in political perspectives; we all could count on his candor.
Another friend (Russ Booth) shared with me the video I have linked on this post. It has again reminded me of W’s nature. With each of these interactions being so recent and unsolicited I felt I would share my experiences with all of you.
Watch and enjoy. We as society are better served when we stand for what we believe and honor those who have differing opinions; to then find common ground. Thank you President for your example!