What do people see when their lives flash before their eyes?

Think with me for a moment: What do people see when their lives flash before their eyes? If this phenomenon has happened to you or you have spoken with someone who has had a near-death experience, I will suggest their experiences are a clue for us to live a better life.

Before we review what some may experience when their life flashes before their eyes, let’s take a quick test ourselves: What do you think of when asked, “Share with me your life’s most important memories?” Please pause here and think for a moment, even writing some thoughts down.

Did things such as your title, the car you drive, what clothes you wear, or how much money you make come to mind? Or do things such as friendships, feeling appreciated, and knowing someone cared more adequately describe your memories? I suggest that no one remembers who won what game, who was elected to what position, who held what occupation, how much someone earned, or even how smart another may have been.

For me, I remember special times, times when others made me feel good. I remember Kay Watson saying, “You are a true leader.” Kay is a leader, and for her to acknowledge me helped set an inner belief that I have value in motion. Ken Kraudy, who I think walks on water, said, “You are one of the nation’s Noblemen.” Ken has the character I only hope to achieve; his belief in me allowed an opening for me to become a better person. How about Kim during our wedding vows (as we were looking deep into each other’s souls, nervous and excited about a future together) saying, “I do” she actually said it twice, yah baby! Her “I do” validated, gave me worth, and acknowledged that I could achieve anything. I remember my father as he was passing away, sharing with me, “I have lived a good life, one I am proud of. I am ready to go.” This touched me so deeply; it gave me an intense understanding of how important that moment is and that I must live well. Jake, my son, was told, “Your Dad is an amazing man,” to which he responded, “I know.” Feeling his sincerity gave me an understanding I must be doing something right. Jake being close, could be my greatest critic.

We may remember beautiful places, times shared with loved ones, feelings of accomplishment, and thoughts of when we served others. Each of the experiences we remember is a time we felt deeply and learned powerfully. They are not times when we think of ourselves; they are times we remember our feelings.

Is it funny we don’t remember the things we think are important or that seem meaningful day-to-day, the things we perhaps spend a lot of time on? No, but knowing what is really important creates more times to remember. These are memories reserved for the times our life flashes before our eyes!


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