Perhaps a man’s greatest possession after his soul mate is his children. Jon, thank you for sharing with me your daughter! You may have never known how much your trust in me meant over the years. You untrusted along with me, our beautiful sister-in-law Nikki, Francis, Kevin, Scott, and Rob. Each of our lives have been changed for the better for both having your children in our lives and for having known you.
As we reflect on life, we come to a realization that our best traits are those which have been learned from others, particularly those we admire and hold in high esteem. From you, I learned to be a better listener. Watching you interact with others always held me in amazement seeing that you could be so fully engaged in listening. Your entire soul participated in simple communication. You were blessed with very large ears which suggest an unusual ability, yet over time, I came to the realization that it wasn’t that physical feature; it was that you truly cared. Caring is the better part of listening. When you engaged, you engaged fully and anyone who was blessed to know you understands exactly what I mean.
You gave of your talents willingly. Your intellect was beyond extraordinary which enabled you to learn and discover many things the general (and even professional) public will never know. If someone had failing health, your knowledge blessed them with an accurate diagnosis which saved lives. If a machine broke down, you would remedy that quickly and move the stranded soul on their way in confidence. When a grandchild was stumped by a question in biology, chemistry or math; you would provide them with the solution and the skill to understand on their own.
Life blessed you with more material things than the average person, yet anyone in need had access to using whatever you possessed if it helped them in anyway. Life’s abundance is something you understood and participated in. Because you lived your life this way, when you were in need, many came to your rescue quickly, willingly, and anxious to pay back in some small way a balance sheet that was heavily tilted your way.
A man takes nothing physical with them into the next life. We leave all that we may have amassed behind. What is taken are the memories of how we made a difference, how we left our mark on life, or how we influenced others for the better. The things that last after our physical accumulations are gone, are the improved lives of those we touched. Through this, we live on for generations. Jon, you touched my life, made me a better person, I will do my best to pass on your life lessons to those you never met. God bless, rest in peace!
Jaren (your proud son-in-law)