In our world of 24 hour news, we innocently fall into an attitude of viewing society as portrayed by the media. This can lead to a distorted interpretation of peoples intentions whether in a group or as individuals. I don’t think this is necessarily the purpose of the media, however this type of story is what sells in the marketplace.
I bet you can’t find a station that carries all the good people are doing every day. These are the stories behind the scenes and they are much more than the “old lady” being helped across the street. They are a neighbor lending a hand when difficulty befalls, babysitting for someone who needs a night out and hasn’t gone because of money, giving a first class seat to a returning veteran, or leaving a tip that makes a waitress’ day.
We hear of these stories through social media or in conversation as we talk around the water cooler. Every once in a while someone takes the time to express gratitude for a deed which is considered to be above and beyond. These are the stories that get a larger audience yet still fall short of the nightly news. One of these stories recently came to us through email.
This year marks the 70th year of our Parade of Homes™. Over the years we have had many dedicated builders participate. This year was to be Bangerter Homes 26th consecutive year. Their homes are always a hit. You may remember when the “UP” house was in the 2011 parade? It was a Bangerter Home and last year was the story book home! They represent high quality and creativity taking comfort and style to a new level.
Why I say “was to be” Bangerter Homes 26th year” is that their 2016 Parade Home caught fire and burned July 11th mere days before the parade was to begin.
What is remarkable isn’t that the home burned or that the Bangerter’s were to have a record setting year, but what the email sent to us said (it came from the owner of the home):
“…I would like you and the rest of your office to know one important thing about the Bangerter’s. I called Adam at 11:30pm just after finding out about the fire and he, his wife Nicole and Jordan came right over. Adam and Nicole literally held my wife and cried with her as we watched the flames jump from my brother’s home to ours. They stayed with us through 3:00am as the fire was brought under control. They are true partners and friends and we are so grateful to have a builder that really cares. They care enough to cry with you when things get really tough…
… I would want everyone to know that everything with Bangerter has been handled with perfect honesty and integrity throughout the process. We love our builder and would recommend anyone to them. I am pretty confident in saying that the Bangerter’s must exemplify all the great qualities you would hope to have in every member of the SLHBA…
Yes, you are right; the owners of Bangerter Homes are amazing men of character who care about their business. However, it is these men who are behind the scenes, making everyday a little brighter for our residents and community while not wanting any publicity. So maybe, just maybe it isn’t entirely the media’s fault they typically report bad things; the good people simply aren’t willing to go before the cameras. And yes, homeowner, we do have these type of members throughout our organization. Thank you for sharing!
Fox 13 story:
It’s the good in the world that keeps us going. Most people do good things without a news story. I have never been to The Parade of Homes though I have seen pictures of the amazing work and attention these builder put into these homes. We never really know what tomorrow’s events may bring. It’s always suprising to me those who really step up when others need them. May the tomorrow’s ahead restore the lost and strengthen the friendship life brings us. Thanks for share the Great and GOOD story.