Chapter Two Finished!!!

Adorna, Ronda, Johanna, Micah, Kim,  Nick, Adam, Cassi, Lori, Neda and Cami each have won books to date.

This time you can post on here, Facebook or send me an email

Many have suggested easier access will give more opportunity 🙂

Good luck and thank you, I am excited!!!

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4 Responses to Chapter Two Finished!!!

  1. Kiera Ethington says:

    Jaren, I just saw that you have this blog, I’m excited to look through it all and definitely excited about your book!!! No doubt it’s coming along wonderfully!

  2. Rick says:

    Chapter 2 already! Awesome! I thought they’d be a couple/few weeks apart!

  3. Jaren says:

    There were four finished before I wanted to give some books away. The chapters to follow will come slower 🙂 Thank you for your interest!

  4. Excited for you, sign me up 🙂

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