A message of gratitude to the mother’s in our lives…

My heart is touched yet again ever so deeply as I think of the influence mother’s play in my life.  These feelings come as I think about our mother’s day celebration just around the corner.  It is my wish to share the feelings and observations I have gained while witnessing the lives of the women who have played a role in my life. Mother's day For me, this includes both mother’s and mother’s to be.  Top of mind are: my wife, my mother, my grandmothers and those mother’s who have crossed my life’s path.  My three daughters are those “mother’s to be” which are in my thoughts.  It is obvious to me that they were born with an innate abilities which are truly unique to women. While each of our experiences may be different, there is one constant all people can count on; the heart of a mother.

There is a Jewish Proverb which reads, “God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers.”  Oh how true this is… I have learned that a mother looks after her children, takes care of her children, nurses her children, protects her children, raises her children, fusses over her children, coddles her children, and as we all know “pampers her children tirelessly.”  Each of these most certainly lightens the load of a caring Creator.

A mother is always a teacher, she is always on duty, and she will always give of herself even if the gift is her own well being.  Victor Hugo wrote, “She broke the bread into two fragments and gave them to her children, who ate with eagerness, ‘She hath kept none for herself,’ grumbled the sergeant.’ ‘Because she is not hungry,’ said a soldier, ‘No,’ said the sergeant, ‘because she is a mother.’”

I have felt of the unfailing love of my mother, I have witnessed that same level of love extended to our children by their mother; my wife.  I know with certainty that my daughters possess that very same gift.  Mother’s are our world’s leaders, they are building our nations, they are the planers of our future.  Without their kind, caring, passionate love, we would never get up after we fall, we would never be all we are meant to be, and we would certainly feel limited in our abilities to follow our dreams.

Home is where a mother is found.  A mother’s work never ends.  A mother’s love endures through everything she faces.  It is a mother who exclaims, “I didn’t want that…” when she realizes there wasn’t enough for all.  A mother is the one we seek in times of need.  A mother is our most trusted friend.  It is a mother who gives light to our future.  Everything we are, or hope to be is a direct result of our mother’s love.

I believe an ounce of mother equals five million tons of love, of compassion, of tenderness, of devotion, of mercy, of kindness, of tolerance, and most important, of charity.  A mother’s love grows through her willingness to give.  A mother’s prayer is never ending.  And, even though a mother’s body is small, her heart is big enough to welcome everyone into it.

No one can take the place of a mother.  In a mother’s heart you will always find forgiveness.  A mother’s hope for her children endures to the end.  A mother is there for us under all circumstances, even when her heart is broken.  It is a mother who lies awake worrying about our well being.

So while I feel limited in my ability to express the real value of mother’s in our lives.  I give you my words as an expression of the gratitude I feel toward my wife for giving her all to our children, to my mother for giving me more than she should have, and for the lives yet to come who will receive the gift of life and living from my daughters.  I love you. I thank you.  And, I realize that while I can never repay you; you are okay with it…


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