As I seek public office, my sense of community deepens in meeting with the residents of District 46. I have knocked on countless doors and made late-night calls. In every circumstance, I have gained a greater appreciation of our community. Collectively, we are diverse and unique in many ways, yet share similar hopes and ideals.
I sense that our greatest desire is to live peacefully in the safety of our homes and neighborhoods. We care about our environment wanting clean air, water, and wish to protect our critical lands. No matter our age, we want each child to receive a quality education. We love the outdoors, seeking ways to ensure adequate parks and recreation so individuals and families can build memories as we maintain active lifestyles. Employment is important, wanting diversity in opportunity so that job satisfaction is achievable and our children can find meaningful work. We understand the necessity for government taxing but expect the burden to be limited to essential services providing for needs the open market can’t achieve alone.
I share these ideals, having benefited from living in Utah nearly my entire life where these qualities have existed. Through experiencing the joys of being a grandparent, my sense of duty is magnified, and I carry a burning desire to lend my experience in service so that we can pass our Utah traditions on to the next generations.
It is a critical time in our history; we need strong, experienced, and capable leaders who can match their life experiences with their constituents’ desires. I support our police, firefighters and hold faith in our justice system. I advocate for equality, knowing we learn from our past. That we aren’t perfect, but our founders believed we could form a more perfect Union. I have found solutions to difficult problems; we need to clean our air, but never learn how those running may help. For example, I will advocate for less reliance on vehicle traffic—improving PM 2.5 particulate disruption, which is the cause of heart and lung disease and frustrates those who have difficulty breathing. I have preserved over 60,000 acres of critical land and am just beginning. By building a healthy economy, we are better able to fund education and provide the individual needs for satisfactory employment. Having run various business ventures, I know the value of limited government and how a healthy economy creates opportunity. I served eight years leading the state parks board and understand how we can maintain our enjoyment of our great outdoors while protecting the delicacy of nature.
My support is vast and diverse. I sincerely appreciate those individuals and groups who are out actively working on my behalf. Should I be blessed with my community’s confidence, I will serve with my heart by listening to and advocating for our needs. It is our time to enjoy the benefits of a representative who mirrors our ideals and can advocate effectively. I ask for your vote.
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